Fashion Era

Monday, September 15, 2014

Getting to know Mr. Harold Oracion

This is Harold Oracion 20 years old, an Entrepreneurial Marketing student from Mindanao State University. I was born on December 5, 1993 at Tudela, Misamis Occidental but unfortunately there’s something mistaken in my birth certificate because it was registered on December 6, 1993 supposedly it must be December 5, but I have no choice but just to follow what it is stated on the certificate. 
I’m the son of Mr. Leopoldo Oracion and Ms. Josephine Oracion. I have two brothers and one sister so, all in all we are four siblings and I’m the youngest. I’m a kind of person who does not easily get angry, but if I’m hungry be careful  I might eat you J hehehe joke!. I’m a joyful person even though storms may come in my life I can still smile, hold on, and cling to the promise of God that He will never leave me nor abandoned me. 

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