Fashion Era

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

My Journey in MSU

Life is full of experiences, it could be good experienced or it could be bad but whatever experiences it is, there’s only one thing that we can get, “LEARNINGS” and through that learnings that we can get along the journey it will help us in building our character which will lead to strong foundation in whatever failures or hardships may come in our way.

My journey here in MSU is not easy, lot of problems encountered, difficulties, hardships, failures, frustrations, financial problems and even to the point that you want to give up because you could not bear anymore all of struggles in life that you’ve encountered. But life must go on, there’s a lot of reasons to continue rather than giving up.

One of the gladdest event in my life here in MSU is when the time I encounter Jesus and accepted Him as my Savior. If I will recall all the happiest moment in my whole life, this is the most happiest ever, that nothing else can compare when I decided to follow Jesus. Because of that encounter, everything has changed. If I will look back my life before and compare it to my life now it is really different.
Knowing that there someone will guide me, helped me, protect me and even love me, why should I be afraid to take every challenges in life? 

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