Fashion Era

Monday, September 15, 2014

The Voice of MSU - Musical Extravaganza 2014

The college of business administration was tasked to host the big event in the university- the musical extravaganza 2014. The hall preparation was assigned to the marketing department knowing that the marketing students have its own expertise when it comes to stage designing. The event was held at the MSU-ILS Gymnasium. Never even expected that the hall was transformed into a the voice like stadium.
       The venue is too small to accommodate a large number of audiences. Some of the students were unfortunate at that time because they are not able to witness the talents of the MSUans when it comes to singing.
       I’m so happy and proud that the college of business administration and accountancy is the overall winner for the whole competitions. Im not bragging my college but I think that most of the students in our college especially in the marketing department has the what we called- “talent.
       Expecting for the next years musical extravaganza and hopefully it will have a bigger venue.

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