Fashion Era

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

A Seminar on E-Commerce and Internet Marketing Essentials and Strategies at the Lecture Hall of the College of Law, MSU, Marawi City

Last month September 24, 2014 the Marketing 111(Internet Marketing) students conducted a Seminar on E-Commerce and Internet Marketing Essentials and Strategies at Academic Complex, College of Law MSU, Marawi City with this four main topics: 1. Doing E-Business in the ASEAN Community 2. E-Commerce on the Go: Its Process and Application 3. Web Advertising through Social Media Marketing and 4. Careers in Digital Media.

Many people think that online business is easy, others also say that it’s not a good avenue for business but during the Seminar I learned that doing online business is not what they think “easy” but in fact it’s very complicated. There are lot of things that we need to consider before entering business online. I learned that it needs more time and effort to create online business.

The seminar is very essential to us as marketing students who really love online business. During the seminar, one thing that I could not forget and we should not really forget as a marketing students is the very basic in the Marketing101 which has a great vital role in building the strong foundation in every businesses. 

My Journey in MSU

Life is full of experiences, it could be good experienced or it could be bad but whatever experiences it is, there’s only one thing that we can get, “LEARNINGS” and through that learnings that we can get along the journey it will help us in building our character which will lead to strong foundation in whatever failures or hardships may come in our way.

My journey here in MSU is not easy, lot of problems encountered, difficulties, hardships, failures, frustrations, financial problems and even to the point that you want to give up because you could not bear anymore all of struggles in life that you’ve encountered. But life must go on, there’s a lot of reasons to continue rather than giving up.

One of the gladdest event in my life here in MSU is when the time I encounter Jesus and accepted Him as my Savior. If I will recall all the happiest moment in my whole life, this is the most happiest ever, that nothing else can compare when I decided to follow Jesus. Because of that encounter, everything has changed. If I will look back my life before and compare it to my life now it is really different.
Knowing that there someone will guide me, helped me, protect me and even love me, why should I be afraid to take every challenges in life? 

My Journey in MSU

Life is full of experiences, it could be good experienced or it could be bad but whatever experiences it is, there’s only one thing that we can get, “LEARNINGS” and through that learnings that we can get along the journey it will help us in building our character which will lead to strong foundation in whatever failures or hardships may come in our way.

My journey here in MSU is not easy, lot of problems encountered, difficulties, hardships, failures, frustrations, financial problems and even to the point that you want to give up because you could not bear anymore all of struggles in life that you’ve encountered. But life must go on, there’s a lot of reasons to continue rather than giving up.

One of the gladdest event in my life here in MSU is when the time I encounter Jesus and accepted Him as my Savior. If I will recall all the happiest moment in my whole life, this is the most happiest ever, that nothing else can compare when I decided to follow Jesus. Because of that encounter, everything has changed. If I will look back my life before and compare it to my life now it is really different.
Knowing that there someone will guide me, helped me, protect me and even love me, why should I be afraid to take every challenges in life? 

Monday, September 15, 2014

Getting to know Mr. Harold Oracion

This is Harold Oracion 20 years old, an Entrepreneurial Marketing student from Mindanao State University. I was born on December 5, 1993 at Tudela, Misamis Occidental but unfortunately there’s something mistaken in my birth certificate because it was registered on December 6, 1993 supposedly it must be December 5, but I have no choice but just to follow what it is stated on the certificate. 
I’m the son of Mr. Leopoldo Oracion and Ms. Josephine Oracion. I have two brothers and one sister so, all in all we are four siblings and I’m the youngest. I’m a kind of person who does not easily get angry, but if I’m hungry be careful  I might eat you J hehehe joke!. I’m a joyful person even though storms may come in my life I can still smile, hold on, and cling to the promise of God that He will never leave me nor abandoned me. 

MSUans did the Move and Groove - Dance festival 2014

One of the most awaited events during the foundation day celebration is the dance festival wherein the colleges of this university will compete with each other in every dance categories like the folk dance, ethnic dance, line dance, contemporary and the street dance. The competition was held at the MSU Grandstand where it can accommodate a large number of students but unfortunately in the afternoon the weather got changed where most of the participants got wet in the rain. It was a nice competition and what I really love the most is the Line dance competition and the street dance competition.
       Unfortunately, the college of business administration and accountancy was not included in the top 3 over all winners in the dance festival competition. It was a great experience witnessing a competition like that outside the gymnasium for the first time ever.

       I can’t wait for the next year’s dance festival and I hope that it will take place in the Dimaporo gymnasium.

Campaign for a Cleaner, Fresher and Greener Ecosphere “No to Cellophanes, Yes to Plastic wares”

          The month of July we, the Marketing 111 students promoted the “no to cellophanes yes to plastic wares”. We went to different carenderias in the campus where we posted the details of our campaign. The said campaign is about to reduce the usage of the cellophane by the carenderias to the customers- that is the customers will bring a plastic ware when they buy viand with 2 pesos discount in every purchase.

          There are lots and lots of positive responses from the carenderia owners like they can save cellophanes and of course the environment itself. In my part, it is a big influence because I am pretty motivated not to throw the cellophanes anywhere. By this way of imposing such campaign, somehow, mother earth will be greener than ever.

The Voice of MSU - Musical Extravaganza 2014

The college of business administration was tasked to host the big event in the university- the musical extravaganza 2014. The hall preparation was assigned to the marketing department knowing that the marketing students have its own expertise when it comes to stage designing. The event was held at the MSU-ILS Gymnasium. Never even expected that the hall was transformed into a the voice like stadium.
       The venue is too small to accommodate a large number of audiences. Some of the students were unfortunate at that time because they are not able to witness the talents of the MSUans when it comes to singing.
       I’m so happy and proud that the college of business administration and accountancy is the overall winner for the whole competitions. Im not bragging my college but I think that most of the students in our college especially in the marketing department has the what we called- “talent.
       Expecting for the next years musical extravaganza and hopefully it will have a bigger venue.

Tita Fannies Sponsored the Marketing Days Celebration

Tita Fannies crossing boarders in the Maranao culture for the first time in the history of the Marketing Department.
       Prof. Richard Serano Celeste together with the Jema officers tried their best to invite the Tita Fannies personel to sponsor the Marketing Days and to judge the Marketing pitch competition as well. It is an opportunity for them to introduce their products to the Maranaos Knowing that one of their products is haram which is the liempo there is still a reason to buy at Tita Fannies-to buy chicken products.
On July 29- August 2 the Marketing department celebrated it’s once a year social, interactive, and academic competition. One of the sponsors is the Tita Fannies Chicken Haus and Liempo Iligan. Tita Fannies awarded the winners of the different competition during the Marketing days with a gift certificate. I think the guest had enjoyed a lot during their stay.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Marketing Days 2014 Celebration

This photos was taken during and after the Marketing days parade. It was so amazing because for the first time  one of our sponsor in marketing days which is the Jollibee bring their mascot to join the parade.

Green Marketing Wednesday (August 13,2014 )

  August 13, 2014, it was our exhibit about recycled plastic bottles like C2, Coke,natures spring and the likes. That exhibit emphasizes that plastics bottles can be recycled and can be use again.
  Many people today are just throwing their plastic bottles anywhere after using it and not even thinking or having a concern that it will greatly affect to our environment. As the marketing department promoting the green marketing, may it serves to us as an individual to take our social responsibility and even taking good care of the world, because if not? all of us will suffer the consequences of what we have done.
Let's minimize in using plastics in order to save mother earth.
